Don't get me wrong.....there are people who are aware of Or Black and that it's a no nonsense leather heavyweight.....but it seems these "people" are fragrance enthusiasts. Casual fragrance fans ( more than likely) have never heard of it. Leather buffs would be well served sampling this masculine. This is leather served up dark, strong and unapologetic. I thoroughly enjoyed Sugandaraja's review of this heady brew and am compelled to add my own since I concur and have held Or Black in high esteem.
Or Black is probably my favorite leather and I find the reformulated rendition more versatile. Blasphemous you say? Well, it's all well and good if you disagree, but I've worn both and stick by my statement. The vintage version is almost too much of a good thing and while a lot of fun having it in the wardrobe for personal wearings, it's a tough sell in social gatherings. It takes no prisoners and I like to spray a bit liberally. The reformulated is attenuated perfectly for me and that's what fragrance is all about. We go through all this tinkering to find what works best for ourselves.
There's other notes accentuating the star here, but the totality of Or Black is a peppery leather with its "brand new" smell attached to it. Uncomplicated, direct and with perfect sillage and longevity, Or Black by Morabito remains my "truest" leather frag in the arsenal. Big thumbs up from Aromi for Or Black.
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